Celebrating Elmwood ELM Success: ROA Classes Starting Soon!
At Elmwood Correctional Facility, we are teaching a course on Ecological Land Management for 15 inmates, and have transformed an overgrown, unused piece of land into a native garden, designed and installed by our incarcerated students. It has been a joy to watch how enthusiastic they are about native plants, how much they’ve learned, and how much they look forward to continuing to pursue ecological land management after their time at Elmwood. Coming up next month, we have another course on Regenerative Organic Agriculture, and are eager to instil more plant knowledge and passion for earth stewardship in our students!
Adrian Deily is project manager for CNGF’s Design/Build Division. Adrian holds an MS from CalPoly SLO in Environmental Management and Services with a major in Forestry.
Rachel Warners is a native garden consultant to CNGF clients and works as a volunteer coordinator. She earned her degree from Calvin College with a major in Biology with a minor in Environmental Science.
Christina O’Connor leads CNGF’s nursery and plant propagation, and manages Hester Farm. She is an outstanding cook, and creates many recipes with the foods we grow at CNGF.
Belle Brown is a climate fellow and a recent graduate of Wellesley College. She has been making an impact by connecting community to healthy local food and participating in Earth Heroes classes.