Water-conserving gardens that receive abundant summer sun are perfect places to feature this plant community. Chaparral shrubs need minimal care once established and often have dramatically beautiful leaves and flowers. Many leaves are covered as well with whitish or silver hairs that reflect the sun’s rays or trap moisture. Some smaller shrubs – a whole fascinating set of plants that inhabit the fringes and slopes next to the taller shrubs – bloom through summer and into fall. Ideal home garden sites for chaparral plantings are south- and west-facing slopes. Chaparral plants thrive in poor soils, so amending the soil is unnecessary. If your garden has the proper aspect and is relatively flat, With good drainage, hot and sunny conditions, and an appropriate watering regime, chaparral plants can live in home gardens for 25 years. (If planted in heavy clay, however, they will have a short life span of just two to five.)


